Replicator mutator equation =========================== *Shared by Antoine Rideau thanks to Gael Raoul* On this page you will find how to simulate using **Castor** the replicator mutator equation The replicator-mutator equation is a classical model from evolutionary biology that describes how a species reacts to selection by increasing a phenotypic trait :math:`x`. The selection is represented by a reproduction rate that increases linearly with :math:`x` (the phenotype is actually the fitness of the individual), while the population is kept constant thanks to the continuous removal of individuals, uniformly among the traits present in the population. This is completed by a mutation term: the traits constantly mutate which is described by a diffusion term. This model is used to understand mutation-selection dynamics as a whole, even though it is more directly related to experimental setups used in experimental evolutionary biology, based on chemostats. This model has been used by R. Fisher to derive the so-called *fundamental theorem of natural selection*. .. math:: \partial_{t}u = \underbrace{\sigma \Delta_{x}u}_{mutations} + \underbrace{(x - \bar{x}(t))u}_{replication} \text{ , } t > 0, | where : | :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}` : a one dimension fitness space, | :math:`u(t,x)` : density of a population at time :math:`t` and per unit of fitness, | :math:`\bar{x}(t):= \int_{\mathbb{R}}xu(x,t)dx` : mean fitness at time :math:`t` . The population is considered constant, so .. math:: \int_{\mathbb{R}}u(x,t)dx = 1 . Numeric simulation ------------------ | ``N`` individuals are gathered within the population, each characterized by their fitness :math:`x_{i}`. | Ths population will evolve during ``gmax`` generations separated by ``dt`` . .. code-block:: c++ // Parameters int N = 1e3; // Population int gmax = 1e4; // Number of generations int Nplot = 1000; // Number of generations plotted double dt = 0.01; // Time disretization double sigma = 0.5; // Mutation Initially, the population is distributed following a Gaussian distribution using ``randn`` . .. code-block:: c++ // Initial data auto parent = randn(1, N); See :ref:`label-randn` . Each generation : 1. Each individual has a probability :math:`\mathbb{P} = (x_{i})_{+} \times \Delta t` ,where :math:`(x_{i})_{+}` stands for the positive part of :math:`x_{i}` , to give birth to a child .. code-block:: c++ // Probablity to give birth auto birth = dt * maximum(parent, 0); // Reproduction auto reprod = rand(size(parent)); See :ref:`label-maximum` , :ref:`label-rand` , :ref:`label-size` . who will inherit a fitness of :math:`x_{i} + X` with :math:`X \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2 \Delta t)` . .. code-block:: c++ // Children auto children = parent + sigma * std::sqrt(dt) * randn(1, N); children = eval(children(find(reprod < birth))); // Update parent parent = cat(2, parent, children); See :ref:`label-find` , :ref:`label-view` , :ref:`label-cat` . 2. ``N`` individuals are uniformly choosen to survive. .. code-block:: c++ // Kill parent to get N individuals parent = eval(parent(randperm(numel(parent), N))); See :ref:`label-randperm` , :ref:`label-numel` . Code ---- .. code-block:: c++ #include #include using namespace castor; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { // Parameters int N = 1e3; // Population int gmax = 1e4; // Number of generations int Nplot = 1000; // Number of generations plotted double dt = 0.01; // Time disretization double sigma = 0.5; // Mutation // Initial data auto parent = randn(1, N); // Initialize figure figure fig; // For each generation tic(); for (int g = 1; g <= gmax; g++) { // Probablity to give birth auto birth = dt * maximum(parent, 0); // Reproduction auto reprod = rand(size(parent)); // Children auto children = parent + sigma * std::sqrt(dt) * randn(1, N); children = eval(children(find(reprod < birth))); // Update parent parent = cat(2, parent, children); // Kill parent to get N individuals parent = eval(parent(randperm(numel(parent), N))); // Plot if (g % (gmax / Nplot) == 0) { plot(fig, parent, g * dt * ones(size(parent)), {"b"}); } } toc(); // Visu drawnow(fig); return 0; } .. figure:: img/replicatormutator.png :width: 800 :align: center :figclass: align-center Fitness evolution of a 1 000 individuals' population during 10 000 generations. Reference ---------