Class smatrix

template<typename T = double>
class castor::smatrix

Array with element of type T (double by default), stored in sparse format, e.g. only non-zeros values are keeped in memory.

Values are stored in std::vector<T>, associated to linear indices in std::vector<std::size_t> of the same dimensions of the values.

smatrix<logical> s = true;
smatrix<int>     X = {1, 2, 3, 4};
smatrix<double>  A = {{1, 2, 3, 4},
                     {5, 6, 7, 8}};
auto             B = A;



Builds an empty sparse matrix

smatrix<> As;

smatrix(T v)

Builds a sparse matrix from a scalar

smatrix<> As = 1;

smatrix(std::initializer_list<T> const &v)

Builds a row matrix from initializer list.

smatrix<float> As({0,1,2,M_PI});

smatrix(std::initializer_list<std::vector<T>> const &v)

Builds a matrix from nested initializer list.

smatrix<double> As({{0,1,2,M_PI},{4,5,6,7},{8,9,10,11}});

smatrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n)

Builds a sparse matrix from dimensions

smatrix<> As(3,4);

smatrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, std::size_t nnz)

Builds a sparse matrix from dimensions and prepare non zeros values

smatrix<> As(3,4,7);

template<typename S>
smatrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, std::vector<std::size_t> const &L, std::vector<S> const &V)

Builds sparse matrix using linear indexing and values

smatrix<> As(2,3,{1,0,3,2,5,4},std::vector<double>({0.,0.,1.,2.,0.,3.}));

template<typename S>
smatrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, std::vector<std::size_t> const &I, std::vector<std::size_t> const &J, std::vector<S> const &V)

Builds sparse matrix using bi-linear indexing and values

smatrix<> As(2,3,{0,0,1,1},{0,1,0,1},std::vector<double>({1,0,0,2}));

template<typename S>
smatrix(matrix<S> const &A)

Builds a sparse matrix from dense matrix.

smatrix<> As = M_PI*eye(3,4);

template<typename S>
smatrix(smatrix<S> const &As)

Builds a sparse matrix from another sparse matrix.

smatrix<int> As = eye(3,4);
smatrix<> Bs(As);

Internal operators

template<typename S>
explicit operator S() const

Converts a (1x1) to fundamental type variable.

smatrix<int> A(3);
a = double(A);

smatrix<T> &operator+=(smatrix<T> const &A)

Performs addition assignment.

If A is fundamental type variable, add value of A to each element of the sparse matrix If A is a sparse matrix, add each element of A to each element of the sparse matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
As += 1;
As += spones(3,4);

smatrix<T> &operator-=(smatrix<T> const &A)

Performs substraction assignment.

If As is fundamental type variable, substract value of As to each element of the sparse matrix If As is a sparse matrix, substract each element of As to each element of the sparse matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
As -= 1;
As -= spones(3,4);

smatrix<T> &operator*=(smatrix<T> const &A)

Performs multiplication assignment.

If As is fundamental type variable, multiply value of As to each element of the sparse matrix If As is a sparse matrix, multiply each element of As to each element of the sparse matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
As *= 2;

smatrix<T> &operator/=(smatrix<T> const &A)

Performs division assignment.

If As is fundamental type variable, divide value of As to each element of the sparse matrix If As is a sparse matrix, divide each element of As to each element of the sparse matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
As /= 2;

const T &operator()(std::size_t l) const

Returns an element of the sparse matrix by giving the linear indexing of element (const accessor).

Remark : sparse matrix values are stored in matrix<T> object, associated to matrix<std:size_t> both for row and column indexing.

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
float coef = A(11);

WARNING : Sparse indexing is relatively slow, please prefer builders or constructors instead.

T &operator()(std::size_t l)

Returns an element of the sparse matrix by giving the linear indexing of element (non const accessor).

Remark : sparse matrix values are stored in matrix<T> object, associated to matrix<std:size_t> both for row and column indexing.

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
// access to last element
As(11) = 10;

WARNING : Sparse indexing is relatively slow, please prefer builders or constructors instead.

const scview<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &L) const

Returns a reference to a submatrix corresponding to linear indexing L (const accessor).

const smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
// access to element equal to 1
auto Bs = As({0,5,10});

sview<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &L)

Returns a reference to a submatrix corresponding to linear indexing L (non-const accessor).

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
// access to element equal to 1
auto Bs = As({0,5,10});

const T &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const

Returns an element of the sparse matrix by giving the bi-linear indexing of element (const accessor).

const smatrix<int> As = speye(3,4);
int coef = As(2,3);

WARNING : Sparse indexing is relatively slow, please prefer builders or constructors instead.

T &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)

Returns an element of the sparse matrix by giving the bi-linear indexing of element (non-const accessor).

smatrix<int> As = speye(3,4);
As(2,3) = 5;

WARNING : Sparse indexing is relatively slow, please prefer builders or constructors instead.

const scview<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &I, matrix<std::size_t> const &J) const

Returns a reference to a submatrix corresponding to bilinear indexing I for rows and J for columns (const accessor).

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
auto Bs = As({0,2}, {0,2});

sview<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &I, matrix<std::size_t> const &J)

Return a reference to a submatrix corresponding to bilinear indexing I for rows and J for columns (non-const accessor).

smatrix<float> As = speye(3,4);
auto Bs = As({0,2}, {0,2});

void check()

check(As) removes all zeros values and associated indices and verify if linear indices are well sorted in ascending order.

smatrix<> Xs(range(0,12),eye(1,12),3,4);

void clear()

Removes all values of sparse matrix A and fix size to 0x0.

Clear should be used to free memory without deleting matrix object.

smatrix<> As = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};

void reshape(std::size_t m, std::size_t n)

Modifies the shape of the sparse matrix without changing its values.

smatrix<> As = speye(3,4);

std::size_t const &ind(std::size_t k) const

Linear index of the k-th stored value

smatrix<> As = {{1,2,0},{0,5,6}};

std::size_t nnz() const

Non zeros values stored

smatrix<> As = {{1,2,0},{0,5,6}};

std::size_t size(int dim = 0) const

If dim=0 (default value) returns the number elements of the sparse matrix else returns the lengths of the specified dimensions dim.

smatrix<> As = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};

T const &val(std::size_t k) const

Value of the k-th stored data.

smatrix<> As = {{1,2,0},{0,5,6}};