
The simplest way to get the dense matrix part of the framework castor is to download the latest version of header files and include matrix.hpp during the compilation of your c++ program using the library, see Compilation in the Basics section.

For a complete installation integrating check dependencies and examples compilation, we describe below the procedure.

MacOS (11 and 12) and Ubuntu (20.04)

Installing the dependencies

The castor framework depends on two external dependencies : a BLAS/LAPACK implementation in order to use optimized linear algebra, and VTK for the graphical rendering.

The BLAS/LAPACK implementation which has been tested are :

The version of VTK library which has been tested is 9.1.0.

The last tool to perform installation is CMake, at least version 3.18.

Note : on macOS it is recommended to install these dependencies with brew.

From git repository with CMake

You can install the castor library from source with CMake. The source files of the library is available here

$ git clone
$ cd castor
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/install/directory ..
$ make install

path/to/install/directory is the absolute path to the folder where castor header files are installed. CMake assumes this folder contains include subfolder. By default, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set to /usr/local and header files are installed in /usr/local/include/castor directory.

The linear algebra part and the visualization part of the library depend respectively on an optimized BLAS library (like OpenBLAS and MKL) and the VTK library. CMake tries to detect these required libraries in your system, if Cmake can not find these dependencies, you can indicate the paths to them by using -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:

$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/install/directory -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/path/to/optimized/blas;/path/to/vtk/" ..

Xcode project for macOS

To create a Xcode project with CMake, add option -G Xcode in the cmake command :

$ cmake -G Xcode -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path/to/install/directory

This project is created in the build directory.

Windows (10)

This solution has been tested on Windows 10 only (but may work on other version). Since there is no built_in available package manager, the different components will be installed by-hands using only Windows-like tools.

C++ compiler and CMake

The first step is to install a suitable C++ compiler. In the following instructions we will only use the compiler provided with Visual Studio, version 2019 or later (previous version may work but have not been tested). The Visual Studio framework also provides a customized command prompt named x64 Native Tools Command Prompt.

We will also install the CMake tools. Download the latest binary distribution for Windows. After installing CMake, open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and execute the command cmake-gui. If the command fails, find the install folder of CMake and add the CMakeInstallFolderbin subfolder to the Windows %PATH% environment variable, restart the command prompt and try again. The graphical interface of CMake should open (close it for now).


The simplest way is probably to install OpenBLAS which implements both interfaces. Compiling the library can quickly become painful as a Fortran compiler is required. Thankfully, the developers have made precompiled binaries available. Installing OpenBLAS can be done following these steps:

  1. Go to, look for an archive named (or for older architectures) in the section Assets corresponding to the version you wish to use and download it. The demos were tested originally with OpenBLAS 0.3.12 so any later version should be fine.

  2. Extract the downloaded archive in a folder of your choice (for example, create a folder openblas). This folder should now contain three subdirectories:
    • openblasbin should contain a file named libopenblas.dll.

    • openblasinclude should contain the header files, including cblas.h.

    • openblaslib should contain .lib files (including libopenblas.lib) and a openblaslibcmake subfolder.

  3. Add the subfolder openblasbin to Windows environment variable %PATH%.

The BLAS and LAPACK are now ready to use.

Remark It is also possible to download the Intel MKL library through the framework or the Intel website. However, this implementation features different header names and requires a modification of the source files of castor (namely replace cblas.h by mkl_cblas.h wherever it appears). For this reason, we do not insist further.

VTK framework

Unfortunately, the developers of the VTK framework do not provide ready-to-use binaries meaning that we must compile the sources by ourselves. It is performed as follows:

  1. Download the sources of VTK on the main website Choose a version of the 9.x.x branch. Uncompress the archive in a folder of your choice.

  2. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and move to the newly created VTK folder (use the dir pathToFolder command). Create a build folder using mkdir build and move to this folder.

  3. Execute cmake-gui .. which should open the CMake graphical interface. Click on Configure, choose the ninja generator and keep the default configuration. Finally, click on Generate. CMake will generate the build files.

  4. Go back to the command prompt and execute the command ninja. The compilation of VTK begins and may take some time (a few minutes to a few dozen of minutes depending on the computer).

  5. Once the compilation is over, execute ninja install which will install the library in the default directory C:Program Files (x86)VTK.

  6. The last step is to add the subfolder C:Program Files (x86)VTKbin to the Windows %PATH% environment variable.

The installation of VTK is now completed.

Compile the demos

In this section, we will give the instructions on how to compile the examples of castor. The steps are the following:

  1. Download the sources of castor from the main repo.

  2. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and got to the castor folder. Create a castorbuild directory and move to it.

  3. Execute cmake-gui .. and click on the Configure button. Choose the ninja generator on the list and let all other options by default. This last operation should fail as CMake cannot find BLAS/LAPACK nor VTK.

  4. In the list of CMake variables, look for VTK_DIR and set it to the VTKlibcmakevtk-9.x folder. Do the same for the BLAS-related variables. Look for the variable CBLAS_INCLUDE_DIR and set it to the `openblasinclude`subfolder.

  5. Click again on Configure then on Generate.

  6. Finally, execute ninja in the command prompt to start building the demo executable. The corresponding file can then be found in the castorbuilddemo subfolder.