Linear algebra

We provide a set of useful function to perform basic linear algebra manipulations available by including castor/linalg.hpp. The linear algebra library is mostly based on the well-known BLAS and LAPACK APIs. As such, it may be interfaced with any library respecting the same naming convention like openblas or mkl.

We want to bring the attention of the user on the fact that BLAS and LAPACK are originally Fortran libraries and consequently use a column ordering storage convention, unlike matrix which uses a row-major storage. While this behavior is fully transparent for the user as long as he is using the high-level castor API, he may find more details at Overload of some BLAS and LAPACK functions.

We give below a few examples of use. More may be found in the demo/demo_linalg/ subfolder. All linear algebra functions are described at Singular and eigen values, Factorization and Linear solver

Singular Value Decomposition

It is very easy to compute the SVD of a given matrix. The function svd simply returns a tuple containing the singular values S, the left singular vectors U and finally the transposed right singular vectors Vt.

matrix<double> A({
matrix<> S, U, Vt;
std::tie(S,U,Vt) = svd(A,"vect");
disp(norm(A - mtimes(U,mtimes(diag(S),Vt)),"inf"));

Note that it is equally easy to compute the (eventually generalized) eigenvalues and eigenvectors (see eig) or the rank-revealing SVD (see qrsvd).

Solving a linear system

We provide two functions for the resolution of a linear system of equations. linsolve performs the exact inversion using the LAPACK library while gmres computes the solution iteratively using the GMRES algorithm. Note that both have support for multiple right-hand-sides.

The use of linsolve is straightforward. The left- and right-hand-sides should be provided in full matrix form and the function returns the matrix containing the solutions.

// left-hand-side
matrix<double> A({
// we change the original matrix for this demo
for(auto i=0; i<6; ++i) A(i,i) = 20.;
// right-hand-side, must be a column
matrix<double> B(6,1,{4,20,-15,-3,16,-27});
// solving
auto X = linsolve(A,B);

Compared to linsolve, one needs to specifiy the tolerance and the maximum number of iterations. The user may also provide a preconditionner, use its own definition of the matrix-vector product, etc., as specified in the documentation of gmres.

X = gmres(A,B,1e-3,6);
Start GMRES using MGCR implementation (Multiple Generalized Conjugate Residual):
+ Iteration 1 in 3.5977e-05 seconds with relative residual 0.296391.
+ Iteration 2 in 2.8044e-05 seconds with relative residual 0.0545852.
+ Iteration 3 in 2.5446e-05 seconds with relative residual 0.0119836.
+ Iteration 4 in 3.3522e-05 seconds with relative residual 0.000506301.
GMRES converged at iteration 4 to a solution with relative residual 0.000506301.

Remark: Exact convergence is always achieved when the number of iterations reaches the dimension of the matrix.

Adaptive Cross Approximation

The ACA algorithm performs a low-rank approximation of rank k a given matrix C of size m x n under the form C = mtimes(A,tranpose(B)) where A is m x k and B is n x k. The rank k is automatically obtained following a user-defined accuracy parameter tol. Note that if tol is chosen too small, using the ACA algorithm may be useless … Warning : our implementation directly returns Bt = tranpose(B).

matrix<> A, Bt;
matrix<> C = mtimes(rand(100,20),rand(20,50));
std::tie(A,Bt) = aca(C,1e-3);
disp(norm(C - mtimes(A,Bt),"inf"),2);
Matrix 1x2 of type 'm' (16 B):
100   21
Matrix 1x2 of type 'm' (16 B):
21  50
Object of type 'd':

Remark: The result may vary depending on your random number generator.

Overload of some BLAS and LAPACK functions

Some functions from the BLAS and LAPACK APIs have been directly interfaced using a similar naming convention.

The BLAS-part is in fact a straightforward overlay over the C BLAS API which enables the possibility to use row-major ordering. For example, tgemm computes the matrix-matrix product using the C BLAS API (see tgemm) and provides a unique interface to the four corresponding functions (each one corresponding to one of the four types: float, std::complex<float>, double, std::complex<double>). Its main purpose is to hide the use of raw pointers to the underlying data. For information, such raw pointers can be obtained as explained below.

matrix<double> A({1,2,3,4});
double *pA = &A(0); // returns the adress of the first element of A

However, the LAPACK-part is a direct overlay over the Fortran LAPACK API. Under the hood, the functions of castor convert the matrix<> to a std::vector<> where the data is stored with the right ordering thanks to the mat2lpk function (see mat2lpk). The result is then converted back to a matrix<> with the lpk2mat function (see lpk2mat). The main consequence is that the functions following a naming convention close to the LAPACK one (see for example tgesdd, tgeqrf, etc.) only accept std::vector<> as input.