Mesh management

Functions helpers to create simple volume or surface meshes from sets of nodes.


template<typename T>
auto castor::tetboundary(matrix<std::size_t> const &tet, matrix<T> const &vtx)

Extracts the boundary of a tetrahedral mesh defined by its elements elt and its vertices vtx and returns the result as a mesh in the same format.

matrix<> X({0.,1,0,0}), Y({0.,0,1,0}), Z({0,0,0,1});
matrix<> vtx, bvtx;
matrix<> elt, belt;
// Delaunay triangulation
std::tie(elt,vtx) = tetdelaunay(X,Y,Z);
// Boundary extraction
std::tie(belt,bvtx) = tetboundary(elt,vtx);

See tetdelaunay.


template<typename T>
auto castor::tetdelaunay(matrix<T> const &X, matrix<T> const &Y, matrix<T> const &Z)

Creates a Delaunay tetrahedral mesh from a set of nodes (X,Y,Z).

matrix<> X({0.,1,0,0}), Y({0.,0,1,0}), Z({0,0,0,1});
matrix<> vtx;
matrix<std::size_t> elt;
// Delaunay triangulation
std::tie(elt,vtx) = tetdelaunay(X,Y,Z);

See tetboundary.


template<typename T>
auto castor::tridelaunay(matrix<T> const &X, matrix<T> const &Y, matrix<T> const &Z = {})

Computes a Delaunay triangulation from a set of nodes.