Class matrix

The castor framework implements its own templatized class matrix<T> where T can be for example a float, int, std::complex<double>, etc. At its core, it is built over a std::vector<T> which holds the values. The class matrix itself provides many useful functions and operators (addition, multiplication, indexing, etc.). It is designed such that it should feel like using Matlab or Numpy arrays. The user will find here all the available constructors. Specific builders (ones, eye, etc.) may be found at Builders.

template<typename T = double>
class castor::matrix

Array with element of type T (double by default).

Matrix values are stored in std::vector<T> object, with row-major layout. C++ numbering [0,n( is used for linear indexing A(l) and bi-linear A(i,j). Dimensions and indexing are of type ‘std::size_t’, and boolean are given in ‘logical’ type (which is ‘std::uint8_t’), instead of standard ‘bool’.

matrix<logical> s = true;
matrix<int>     X = {1, 2, 3, 4};
matrix<double>  A = {{1, 2, 3, 4},
                     {5, 6, 7, 8}};
auto            B = A;



Default constructor.

Builds an empty matrix.

matrix<logical> A;

matrix(T v)

Builds a (1x1) matrix from fundamental type constant or variable.

matrix<int> A(M_PI);

matrix(std::initializer_list<T> const &v)

Builds a row matrix from initializer list.

matrix<float> A({0,1,2,M_PI});

matrix(std::initializer_list<std::vector<T>> const &v)

Builds a matrix from nested initializer list.

matrix<double> A({{0,1,2,M_PI},{4,5,6,7},{8,9,10,11}});

matrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, T v = 0)

Builds a (nxm) matrix whose all coefficients are equal to value of v.

matrix<std::complex<double>> A(2,3,std::complex<double>(1,M_PI));

template<typename S>
matrix(std::vector<S> const &v)

Builds a row matrix from vector of standard library.

matrix<double> A(std::vector<int>({0, 1, 2, 3}));

template<typename S = double>
matrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, std::vector<S> const &v)

Builds a (nxm) matrix from vector of standard library or initializer list.

matrix<> A(2,2,{0, 1, 2, 3});

template<typename S = double>
matrix(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, std::vector<std::vector<S>> const &v)

Builds a (nxm) matrix from nested vector standard library or nested initializer list.

matrix<> A(2,2,{{0, 1},{2,3}});

template<typename S>
matrix(matrix<S> const &A)

Builds a matrix from another matrix.

matrix<> A(2,2,{{0, 1},{2,3}});
matrix<> B(A);

Internal operators

template<typename S>
explicit operator S() const

Converts a (1x1) to fundamental type variable.

matrix<int> A(3);
a = double(A);

matrix<T> &operator+=(matrix<T> const &A)

Performs addition assignment.

If A is fundamental type variable, add value of A to each element of the matrix If A is a matrix, add each element of A to each element of the matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.

matrix<float> V({0,1,2,3}); 
V += 1;
V += {1,1,1,1};

matrix<T> &operator-=(matrix<T> const &A)

Performs substraction assignment.

If A is fundamental type variable, substract value of A to each element of the matrix.

If A is a matrix, substract each element of A to each element of the matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.
matrix<float> V({0,1,2,3}); 
V -= 1;
V -= matrix<int>(1,4,1);

matrix<T> &operator*=(matrix<T> const &A)

Performs multiplication assignment.

If A is fundamental type variable, multiply value of A to each element of the matrix.

If A is a matrix, multiply each element of A to each element of the matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.
matrix<float> V({0,1,2,3}); 
V *= 2;
V *= matrix<int>(1,4,2);

matrix<T> &operator/=(matrix<T> const &A)

Performs division assignment.

If A is fundamental type variable, divide value of A to each element of the matrix.

If A is a matrix, divide each element of A to each element of the matrix, in this case matrix dimensions must agree.
matrix<float> V({0,1,2,3}); 
V /= 2;
V /= matrix<int>(1,4,2);

const T &operator()(std::size_t l) const

Returns an element of the matrix by giving the linear indexing of element (const accessor).

Remark : matrix values are stored in std::vector<T> object, with row-major layout.

const matrix<float> A = eye(3,4); 
// access to last element
float coef = A(11);

T &operator()(std::size_t l)

Returns an element of the matrix by giving the linear indexing of element (non-const accessor).

Remark : matrix values are stored in std::vector<T> object, with row-major layout.

matrix<float> A = eye(3,4); 
// access to last element
A(11) = 10;

const cview<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &L) const

Returns a reference to a submatrix corresponding to linear indexing L (const accessor).

const matrix<float> A = eye(3,4); 
// access to element equal to 1
auto B = A({0,5,10});

view<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &L)

Returns a reference to a submatrix corresponding to linear indexing L (non-const accessor).

matrix<float> A = eye(3,4); 
// access to element equal to 1
auto B = A({0,5,10});

const T &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) const

Returns an element of the matrix by giving the bi-linear indexing of element (const accessor).

const matrix<int> A = eye(3,4); 
int coef = A(2,3);

T &operator()(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)

Returns an element of the matrix by giving the bi-linear indexing of element (non-const accessor).

matrix<int> A = eye(3,4); 
A(2,3) = 5;

const cview<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &I, matrix<std::size_t> const &J) const

Returns a reference to a submatrix corresponding to bilinear indexing I for rows and J for columns (const accessor).

matrix<float> A = eye(3,4); 
auto B = A({0,2}, {0,2});

view<T> operator()(matrix<std::size_t> const &I, matrix<std::size_t> const &J)

Return a reference to a submatrix corresponding to bilinear indexing I for rows and J for columns (non-const accessor).

matrix<float> A = eye(3,4); 
auto B = A({0,2}, {0,2});

Internal tools

void clear()

Removes all values of matrix A and fix size to 0x0.

Clear should be used to free memory without deleting matrix object.

matrix<> X = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};

void reshape(std::size_t m, std::size_t n)

Modifies the shape of the matrix without changing its values.

matrix<> A = eye(3,2);

void resize(std::size_t m, std::size_t n, T v = (T)NAN)

Resizes and replaces the values of the matrix, eventually filled with the values v specified (by default v is Nan).

matrix<> A = eye(3,2);

std::size_t size(int dim = 0) const

If dim=0 (default value) returns the number elements of the matrix else returns the lengths of the specified dimensions dim.

matrix<> A = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};

std::vector<T> const &val() const

Returns std::vector containing matrix values.

matrix<> A = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
std::vector val = A.val();

See view, cview.